
My first end-to-end project, using Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup and Spotify API. Clustering songs based on its audio features.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

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Song Recommender

Anna Fonte Farré

Data Analytics, Barcelona October 2020

Table of contents

Project Description

Spotify is one of the major music streaming platforms, with over 191 million active users, 40 million songs, and 2 billion playlists. A key feature of Spotify is the song recommendations that populate your homepage, but in fact, every music streaming service has some kind of music recommendation algorithm. Each music service provider is competing to give their listeners the joy of discovering new music, and there are a wide array of algorithmic approaches companies are taking. This third project of the bootcamp got me familiar with Machine Learning, through the use of web scraping techniques, APIs and modelling methods such as the K-Means method.


In order to create a large dataset to base the recommendations on, the Spotify API has been used in order to retreive data, covering the following parameters of the song: Title, URI, Artist, Popularity and its audio features (danceability, energy, key, mode, speechiness, acousticness, instrumentalness, liveness, valence, tempo, duratin in ms and time signature.


  • Web scraping the Hot 100 Billboard and creating a dataframe with the current hot 100 songs.
  • Using Spotify API to create a large dataset with almost 60k songs and its audio features.
  • Normalizing the data from the previous dataset and creating eight different clusters depending on the song audio features, with the K-means method.
  • Creating the final prototype of the program, which checks if the user's choice is in the Hot 100 Billboard list and gives a hot recommendation if so. On the other side, if the song is not hot anymore, the program will recommend another song from Spotify based on the song audio features of the user's choice. Flowchart of the program


The project has been outlined and organized through the tool Trello. For developing the workflow of the program, pencil and paper have been used.

The repository containing the program contains a README file, a .gitignore file and the following folders:

  • Notebooks: this folder contains four documents, including the web scraping process of the Hot 100 Billboard; the creation of the first prototype; the database creation and clustering process using spotify API and Spotipy library; and the final prototype of the program.
  • Datasets: this folder also includes four csv files, containing the data coming from the Hot 100 Billboard web scraping, the main playlist dataset with more than 50k songs retreived via Spotify API, and two datasets with the song features from the playlist datasets.
  • Images: the folder contais the image of the flowchart of the program.


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