
Using and comparing performance of a basic BST with an AVL tree, as well as lazy vs. non-lazy deletion for AVL trees

Primary LanguageC++

Comparing Trees

Using and comparing performance of a basic BST with an AVL tree, as well as lazy vs. non-lazy deletion for AVL trees

Date Created: February 21, 2015

Last Modified: March 9, 2015

Compiling the Program

While in the working directory, type into terminal

  • make: to compile both programs
  • make queryTrees: to make only the queryTrees program
  • make testTrees: to make only the testTrees program

Running the program

To run the queryTrees program, while in the working directory, type into the terminal:

./queryTrees <database file name> <flag>

To run the testTrees program, while in the working directory, type into the terminal:

./testTrees <database file name> <queries file name> <flag>

<flag>should be “BST” for binary search tree, “AVL” for AVL tree, and “LazyAVL” for AVL with lazy deletion.

Flag name is case insensitive but file names/paths are case sensitive.