
Polls Test App

Primary LanguagePython


Django Polls with DRF API

Getting Started

Initial Setup

  1. Clone this repository : git clone https://github.com/campbellchri/polls.git
  2. Make a new virtualenv (outside of the polls directory/repo): virtualenv pollsEnv
  3. Activate the virtualenv: source pollsEnv/bin/activate
  4. Install the project requirements: pip install -r polls/requirements.txt
  5. Edit mysite/settings.py:36 to match your timezone
  6. Navigate to the polls directory and sync the database : python manage.py syncdb
  7. Install the frontend dependencies : python manage.py bower_install
  8. Collect the static files : python manage.py collectstatic
  9. Run the server: python manage.py runserver 8000
  10. Navigate to the polls angular application http://localhost:8000/polls_app/ or admin at http://localhost:8000/admin (admin:admin)

URLS you have access to -> Angular Application -> Django Admin panel -> Django Rest Framework Admin, sample endpoints for the API

Javascript files are found in : static/static/polls_app

After your first successful setup

  1. Activate the virtualenv: source pollsEnv/bin/activate
  2. Run the server: python manage.py runserver
  3. Open website in browser at http://localhost:8000/polls or admin at http://localhost:8000/admin (admin:admin)