
TNS Observability Demo

Primary LanguageGo

TNS Observability Demo

A simple three-tier demo application, fully instrumented with Prometheus, OpenTracing and Go-kit logging.

The "TNS" name comes from "The New Stack", where the original demo code was used for an article.


  1. Build:
$ make
  1. Run:
$ kubectl apply -f ./production/k8s-yamls
  1. Monitoring with Prometheus

Requires tanka and a recent version of jsonnet-bundler:

$ GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/grafana/tanka/cmd/tk@v0.5.0
$ go get github.com/jsonnet-bundler/jsonnet-bundler/cmd/jb
$ mkdir tanka; cd tanka
$ tk init
$ tk env set environments/default --server=https://kubernetes.docker.internal:6443 # if you're using docker desktop.
$ jb install github.com/grafana/jsonnet-libs/prometheus-ksonnet
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ksonnet/ksonnet-lib/master/ksonnet.beta.3/k8s.libsonnet > vendor/k8s.libsonnet
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ksonnet/ksonnet-lib/master/ksonnet.beta.3/k.libsonnet > vendor/k.libsonnet

Update environments/default/main.jsonnet to be:

local prometheus = import "prometheus-ksonnet/prometheus-ksonnet.libsonnet";

prometheus {
  local service = $.core.v1.service,
  _config+:: {
    namespace: "default",
    cluster_name: "docker",

  _images+:: {
    grafana: "grafana/grafana-dev:explore-trace-ui-demo-c8434d13350e0f43c3937ff37ce8932310ac7fd9-ubuntu",

  prometheus_service+: $.prometheus {
    name: "prometheus",

        $.util.resourcesRequests('250m', '500Mi'),

  // Expose the nginx admin frontend on port 30040 of the node.
    service.mixin.spec.withType("NodePort") +
        nodePort: 30040,
        port: 8080,
        targetPort: 80,


$ tk apply environments/default

Then go to http://localhost:30040/ to see the monitoring stack.

3b. Add dashboards for demo app

$ jb install https://github.com/grafana/tns/production/tns-mixin/

Update environments/default/main.jsonnet to be:

local prometheus = import "prometheus-ksonnet/prometheus-ksonnet.libsonnet";
local mixin = import "tns-mixin/mixin.libsonnet";

prometheus + mixin {
$ tk apply environments/default
  1. Log Aggregation with Grafana Loki
$ helm init
$ helm repo add loki https://grafana.github.io/loki/charts
$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade --install loki loki/loki-stack

Add a Loki datasource to Grafana, pointing at http://loki.default.svc.cluster.local:3100.

  1. Install Jaeger
$ kubectl apply -f ./production/jaeger

(The app is already configured to send traces to jaeger.)

  1. Setup The Trace Demo

Override the Grafana Image by adding the following to your main.jsonnet and run tk apply.

_images+:: {
  grafana: "grafana/grafana-dev:explore-trace-ui-demo-b56f2a8ae23d399f6e170f439c058f4bdb08f0da-ubuntu",

Add a Jaeger datasource:

Navigate to the Loki datasource and add a derived field: