
Here are the rest of the requirements for the JavaScript: Box(): create a constructor function named Box to create box objects for each box that's generated. The Box object will hold each property of a box, including its id, name, color, and x and y positions. Note that the id of each box must be unique, but the name isn't (you'll have multiple boxes with the same name). boxes: an array of all the boxes. All boxes should be represented by <div> elements, and given the class "box" and a unique id. (Note that you can just use a number for an id if you want!). counter: a global variable that keeps track of the number of boxes generated, which you can use to create a unique id for each box. init(): the load handler. generate(): the click handler for the Generate! button. This function generates the <div> elements that represent the boxes. clear(): the click handler for the Clear! button. This function removes all the boxes from the scene, and resets everything so you can start from scratch. display(): the click handler for each box. When the user clicks on a box, this function will show an alert with all the information about the box, including its id, name, color, and position.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Here are the rest of the requirements for the JavaScript:

Box(): create a constructor function named Box to create box objects for each box that's generated. The Box object will hold each property of a box, including its id, name, color, and x and y positions. Note that the id of each box must be unique, but the name isn't (you'll have multiple boxes with the same name).

boxes: an array of all the boxes. All boxes should be represented by elements, and given the class "box" and a unique id. (Note that you can just use a number for an id if you want!).

counter: a global variable that keeps track of the number of boxes generated, which you can use to create a unique id for each box.

init(): the load handler.

generate(): the click handler for the Generate! button. This function generates the <div> elements that represent the boxes.

clear(): the click handler for the Clear! button. This function removes all the boxes from the scene, and resets everything so you can start from scratch.

display(): the click handler for each box. When the user clicks on a box, this function will show an alert with all the information about the box, including its id, name, color, and position.