
A place to share your profile mds to introduce yourself to your fellow students.



A repo in which to share your markdown profile. Contribution is optional. Your profile will be visible to anyone who visits the repo.


The easy way 😅

  • Read the instructions in Step 2
  • Send Niamh your files (profile and images folder) on Slack and she will commit them to the repo. Done! 🙌
  • Then skip to Step 5.

No, I want a challenge 😎

Please follow the below steps.

Step 1 – Fork repository and clone to your machine

  • Fork your own copy of the repo
  • Clone to your own machine
  • Get to work

ℹ️ See official GitHub documentation on forking and cloning a fork.

Step 2 – Add Files in main branch

Work within branch main. There is no need to create your own branch. This is so we keep all profiles in the same branch for easier visibility and access. None of us share a name, so we can use our name as the title for both our profile and our images folder, as follows:

  • Add .md file with title in format "[your-name]" and complete with your intro.
  • Add folder with title "[your-name]" to store your images
  • Make sure that your image paths in your markdown file point to the images within this folder.
  ![Kitty picture](/sophie/kitty.png)

Step 3 – Commit your files

  • As per normal, commit your files. Put your name in the message.
git commit -m "sophie"

Step 4 – Make a pull request

  • Create a pull request into fspt26-intro repo to have your files integrated into the original repo.

ℹ️ See official GitHub documentation on creating a pull request from a fork.

Step 5 – Comment on others' commits/contributions

Spread the love by saying nice things! 😍 Go to the repo and comment under others' contributions (either in pull request or commit) and tag them so they get notified.

ℹ️ See official GitHub documentation on commenting a pull request.

ℹ️ See official GitHub blogpost on commit commenting.