Vagrant box for Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks

This repo contains a Vagrantfile to run most of the code examples in the book Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks.

It also contains a Vagrantfile for another machine so that you can test distributing workloads across multiple computers. Slightly more detail in the commit.

The code itself can be found on the book's homepage. If the code is in this directory in a directory called code, Git will ignore it.


Each chapter has a directory which contains a README, but for ease of reference:


Chapter 2: Threads and Locks

To build and run, change into the directory of the project and:

mvn compile
mvn -q exec:java


Chapter 3: Functional Programming

Chapter 4: The Clojure Way – Separating Identity from State

To build and run, change into the directory of the project and:

lein run

To use the interactive console:

lein repl

Note: Not all Clojure examples work as they should. For more information, read my blog post: Why didn't Clojure work concurrently in Vagrant?


Chapter 6: Communicating Sequential Processes

To compile ClojureScript:

lein cljsbuild once

As per Clojure to run:

lein run

The server is then running at http://7weeks-concurrency-vagrantbox.lan:3000.


Chapter 5: Actors

To run a script (extension .exs):

elixir filename.exs

To run Interactive Elixir with the definitions in a file loaded:

iex filename.ex

To run Interactive Elixir for a project with mix.exs in the root:

iex -S mix


Chapter 7: Data Parallelism

To build, change into the directory of the project and:


(make gives a warning which I have ignored and it seems to be working.)


Chapter 8: The Lambda Architecture

To run Hadoop locally, change into the directory of the project and:

hadoop jar target/<projectname>-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar input output

To run a Hadoop cluster, following the examples in the book, you need an AWS account with the AWS and EMR tools installed. I've not set up any of that; instructions are in the book.