
Docx MailMerge is a ruby gem that takes a Word document (.docx) with mail merge fields and replaces the mail merge fields with data.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Docx MailMerge takes a Word document (.docx) with mail merge fields and replaces the mail merge fields with data.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'docx_mailmerge'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install docx_mailmerge


docx_template = DocxMailmerge::DocxCreator.new(template_docx_file_path)
merge_data = {first_name: "Anita", last_name: "Borg"}

and then

  docx_template.generate_docx_file(merge_data, output_file_path)


  docx_bytes = docx_template.generate_docx_bytes(merge_data)

You can also get an array of merge fields in a document


You may also replace all missing values with XXXXXXXXXX by setting the second argument to "blank" or "nil" to DocxMailmerge::DocxCreator.new

docx_template = DocxMailmerge::DocxCreator.new(template_docx_file_path, "blank")


To run the test you'll need docx2txt, a Perl library available at http://docx2txt.sourceforge.net/. The test expects it at #{GEM_ROOT}/docx2txt/docx2txt.pl

If you'd automatically like to open the resulting word documents when you run rspec WORD=true rspec