Create a web-app, that is able to decode encoded text with Ceasar Cipher.
It should have one page consisting several things:
- A text area to place the encrypted text
- A number input to specify the shift
- A paragraph to display the decoded message
- A button to send the the request and display the decoded message
The decryption should be done by a backend service:
- It should serve the html for the page
- It should have a
endpoint on the path:/decode
- It should expect an object as post data like:
"shift": 3,
"text": "oruhp lsvxp groru vlw"
- It should response with something like this (with 200 status):
"status": "ok",
"text": "lorem ipsum dolor sit"
- It should accept shift number between -25 and 25
- It should only translate the the real letters (a-z and A-Z) (you can use the
RegExp) - If any of the properties are missing of the post data or the shift is out of bound it should response an error like (with 400 status):
"status": "error",
"error": "Shift is out of bound"
Other requirements:
- The program should write loading till the XHR request is pending
- If the input is invalid it should alert the user
- The decryption unit should be in a separate file and it should be unit tested (it should not consist any express related code)