
Simple CRUD operations (Spring 5 + HIbernate 5 + VUE.js)

Primary LanguageJava

Simple CRUD operations (Spring 5 + HIbernate 5 + VUE.js)

Note: all of codes in this repository were only for my personal practice purposes, some design patterns maybe not so correct, DO NOT use it as your tutorial

注意: 這裡的所有代碼只是我拿來自我練習,裡面許多設計模式也許不那麼正確,請勿拿來當你的編程教材


Develop couples Restful APIs for basic CRUD operation , and search data by keyword
related HTTP verbs and API endpoints are as follows :

設計一組 Restful API 讓使用者完成簡易的CRUD操作及關鍵字模糊搜尋
使用的HTTP verbs 與 API 端點如下:

  • GET /employee/{id}
  • GET /employees
  • POST /employees/search/{name}
  • POST /employee
  • PUT /employee
  • DELETE /employee

and design a user interface for comsuming these Restful API more convenient
Html + css + VUE.js is preferred

然後設計一個用戶介面來方便操作這些Restful API
最好能使用HTML + css + VUE.js這些技術來完成它

API detailed specifications

API detailed specifications

How to build this project ?

Via Maven command:

$ mvn clean
$ mvn package

then you will find apiez02.war in target sub-directory

Database Structure

don't worry about the database structure , Hibernate will generate a table for you,
it's a simple table called 'TB_EMPLOYEE' , as its name, it stores some mock employees data
database table structure like this :

不要擔心底層資料表的結構 , HIbernate會為你產生它,
是一個簡單的資料表叫做 'TBL_EMPLOYEE' , 如它的表名 , 它會用來儲存一些假員工的資料

MariaDB [db_spring]> desc TBL_EMPLOYEE;
| Field       | Type         | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| id          | bigint(20)   | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| address     | varchar(200) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| birthday    | date         | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| luckyNumber | int(11)      | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| name        | varchar(100) | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| online      | tinyint(4)   | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
6 rows in set (0.001 sec)

Try it on dq5rocks.com && ScreenShot

click here try it out
this link probobaly may become unavailable in someday future,
if i could not pay for domain name or vps payment

這裡 直接玩

取一個 ( get one )
get one

取全部 ( get all )
get all

用姓名搜尋 ( search by name )
search by name

新增員工 ( create )

修改員工 ( update )

刪除員工 ( delete )

this above link probobaly may become unavailable in someday future,
if i could not pay for domain name or vps payment



可愛的Me ,不是做UI的所以很簡陋只有功能,咿

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