
Use the same set of keybinds between vim splits and bspwm windows, based off vim-tmux-navigator

Primary LanguageVim script

Vim Bspwm Navigator

This plugin provides a means of sharing keybinds between bspwm and vim, allowing Super + HJKL to navigate both between system windows and vim windows. The overall structure and the vim plugin are adapted from Chris Toomey's Vim Tmux Navigator.



vim and bspwm are obviously required. The plugin also works in neovim.

You will need xdotool installed. Check your distribution's repos for this; most distros should have it readily available.


Use your preferred package manager to install the Vim plugin, e.g. using vim-plug:

Plug 'rowantran/vim-bspwm-navigator'

Then run :PlugInstall.

NOTE: Ensure that ctrl-h, ctrl-j, ctrl-k, and ctrl-l are not bound to any commands in vim.


Symlink change-split-or-window to somewhere in your $PATH, e.g.

ln -s ~/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-bspwm-navigator/change-split-or-window /usr/local/bin/change-split-or-window

NOTE: You must change the above command depending on where your plugin is stored. If you have a different folder in $PATH to store shell scripts, symlink it to there instead of /usr/local/bin.

Use sxhkd to call change-split-or-window $DIRECTION, where $DIRECTION is either west, south, north, or east. This will focus the split in the given direction if in vim, or if not in vim, call bspc to focus the window in the given direction.


mod4 + {h,j,k,l}
    change-split-or-window {west,south,north,east}

Ensure that you remove any conflicting keybinds.