
Bored? stuff-to-do-v2 is here to help.

  • search events in your area & view them on a map.
  • add your own events.
  • find popular events by checking upvote scores.
  • go do cool stuff.

Getting Started


  1. use npm install to install dependencies.
  2. create the database by running the CREATE DATABASE line in the dbSchema.sql file.
  3. use command npm start to start the server.
  4. point your browser of choice to localhost:3000 to find some fun events.


  1. find events:
  • enter a city name in the search bar on the landing page.
  • click the search icon to the right of the text entry area.
  • browse cool events within 200km of that city!
  1. create events:
  • click the "Add Event" button at top right of navbar.
  • enter event details into the modal.
  • click the submit button at the bottom rigth of the modal to add your event to the list.
  1. make a user profile:
  • click the "Register/Log-in" button at the top right of the navbar.
  • enter your info to sign-up, or login to your existing account.
    • now you can upvote events you like!