
Script that gives notifications to preserve battery life

Primary LanguageShell

Important note: This repo has been cloned from a different repo and adjusted based on my preferences. For nwneal's original (low battery notifications) repo, go here.

Ubuntu 18 Battery Life Notification

A script that will notify you to plug in or unplug your adapter for battery preservation on Ubuntu 18.


To setup this script, you will need to clone the repo, and go into the directory on your computer.

After that, run the following commands:

chmod u+x battery-notification.sh

./battery-notification.sh --install

What these commands will do is set the shell script to executable by the user, and install the script.

The script will install the script to a 'bin' directory in your home directory.

Then, it will install a cron job to call it every 2 minutes.


  • When your battery is above 80%, it will tell you to unplug your computer.

  • When your battery is between 40-20%, it will alert you to plug in your adapter.

  • Below 20% it will urge you to plug in your adapter.


To uninstall this script , delete the line that calls 'bn.sh' from your crontab, and delete the bn.sh script from your '~/bin' directory.