This is the frontend service for my quick kubernetes demo. This doesn't do much without the backend service. This displays a drop down menu with multiple languages, lets the user select a language and sends the language choice to the backend service. It is assumed you can resolve the backend service via dns as translate-service. Using kubernetes this is handled by it's dns service. You could easily add an entry in your /etc/hosts file for local testing.
You will also need to set-up a service account and download the private JSON key. More information setting up Google Translate AP can be found here.
The backend code can be found here.
This can be ran locally as a docker container.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
docker run -d -p 5001:5001 translate-fe
alternatively you can run: docker pull anners/translate-fe:latest
This can also just be ran as a python/flask app.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Set up cluster with GKE (or any other way you prefer)
gcloud container clusters create translate
Create a secret with your private key, the deployment file assumes the key is named key.json. If not, update the deployment file.
kubectl create secret generic translate-key --from-file=key.json=<path-to-key>.json
Create the deployment and service
kubectl create -f deployment/translate-fe-app.yaml
kubectl create -f deployment/translate-fe-service.yaml
Your service should now be available. You can use various kubectl commands to see what is running.
kubectl [get|describe] deployments
kubectl [get|describe] pods
kubectl [get|describe] services
Skaffold is a ridiculously easy command line tool that facilitates continuous development for Kubernetes. For information on installing skaffold check out it's GitHub page.
To use it for this project change the image name in skaffold.yaml and deployment/tanslate-fe-app.yaml to match your docker repo and simply run skaffold dev