- 2005 Cert: Contrastive self-supervised learning for language understanding
- Hongchao Fang et al., UC San Diego
- Augment 용으로 Back-Translation 사용
- 2005 Pretraining with Contrastive Sentence Objectives Improves Discourse Performance of Language Models
- ACL 2020, Dan Iter et al., Stanford, Google Research
- Anchor Sentence 주변 문장을 예측하는 방식으로 Contrastive learning, discourse relationship에 초점을 맞춤
- DiscoEval , RTE, COPA and ReCoRD tasks
- 2006 DeCLUTR: Deep Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Textual Representations
- ACL2021, John Giorgi et al., Toronto Univ.
- Paragraph 단위로 인접하거나, 포함된 span을 positive로 MLM과 함께 학습
- ICLR2021, Fredrik Carlsson et al., RISE NLU group
- a new self-supervised method called Contrastive Tension (CT) : a noise-contrastive task
- Fine Tuning 전에는 마지막 레이어보다 앞선 레이어의 mean pooling이 STS 점수가 더 높다
- eng wiki 사용, batch 16. 동일한 문장으로 positive set을 만드는데, simcse와 다른 점은 다른 두개의 모델을 사용하는것(초기화는 동일)
- 2106 Self-guided contrastive learning for BERT sentence Representation
- Taeuk et .al, NAVER
- fine-tunes BERT in a self-supervised fashion, does not rely on data augmentation, redesign the contrastive learning objective
- Conflate(융합) the knowledge stored in BERT's different layers to produce sentence embeddings
- BERT(Fixed), BERT(Train) 두개의 센텐스 아웃풋을 positive sample로 사용. 이 때, Fixed BERT의 각 레이어의 아웃풋 중 max pooling 하여 사용
- 2101 Prefix-Tuning : Optimizing Continuous Prompts for Generation
- ACL2021, Li and Liang, Stanford
- Encoder와 decoder 입력 앞에 virtual token(prefix) 을 붙여서, 해당 토큰과 관련된 파라미터만 학습함(Continuous vector)
- prefix 토큰의 임베딩 메트릭스를 곧바로 학습하지 않고 reparameterize를 시켜서 학습함. p = MLP(p'), inference 시에는 p만 사용
- Task : Table-To-Text, Abstractive Sum
- 흥미로운 결과: Prefix를 랜덤보다 그냥 banana라도 real word로 하는게 성능이 좋음, prefix vs infix 끼리 비교도 함
- P-tuning하고 유사한 continuous prompt learning이지만 이 페이퍼는 prefix를 real token으로 사용하는 차이가 있는 것 같음
- 2103 P-tuning: GPT Understands, Too
- Preprint, Liu et al, Tsinghua
- Discrete Prompt Engineering의 한계를 극복하기 위해 Continuous Prompt Learning의 최초 제안
- we propose a novel method P-tuning to automatically search prompts in the continuous space to bridge the gap between GPTs and NLU applications
- Downstream tasks : LAMA, SuperGlue Task
- Motivation: these models(large lm) are still too large to memorize the fine-tuning samples
- Prompt Encoder : bi-LSTM + 2LayerMLP(ReLU)
- 2104 PROMPT TUNING: The Power of Scale for Parameter-Efficient Prompt Tuning
- Lester et al, Google
- simplification of Prefix-tuning
- T5 활용한게 특징
- We freeze the entire pre-trained model and only allow an additional k tunable tokens per downstream task to be prepended to the input text
- We are the first to show that prompt tuning alone (with no intermediate-layer prefixes or task-specific output layers)
- We cast all tasks as text generation.
- 뭔가 방법적으로 특별한게 뭔지 모르겟음
- 2104 SOFT PROMPTS: Learning How to Ask: Querying LMs with Mixtures of Soft Prompts
- Qin and Eisner, Johns Hopkins
- We explore the idea of learning prompts by gradient descent—either fine-tuning prompts taken from previous work, or starting from random initialization
- Our prompts consist of “soft words,” i.e., continuous vectors that are not necessarily word type embeddings from the language model
- binary relation관계에 있는 x(입력), y(정답)을 맞추는 문제에 적용(LAMA, T-REx 등)
- Deep Perterbation 적용
- BERT, BART 등 사용
- 2107 Pre-train, Prompt, and Predict: A Systematic Survey of Prompting Methods in Natural Language Processing.
- Preprint, Liu et al.,
- dddd
- 2110 P-Tuning v2: Prompt Tuning Can Be Comparable to Fine-tuning Universally Across Scales and Tasks
- Liu et al, Tsinghua
- normal size model, hard sequence labeling task(like SQuAD)에 p-tuning 적용
- prefix-tuning, soft prompt를 NLU에 적용한 버전
- Prompt Tuning for Discriminative Pre-trained Language Models
- 2011 On the sentence embeddings from pre-trained language models
- Li et al., Carnegie Mellon University
- BERT-flow 논문
- reveal the theoretical connection between the masked lanugae model pre-training objective and the semantic similarity task theoretically.
- BERT always induces a non-smooth anisotropic(이방성) semantic space of sentences, which harms its performance of semantic similarity.
- anisotropic : word embedding 이 narrow cone 처럼 되어 있는 현상 말하는듯??
- average token embedding
- mlm loss 간단하게 설명해야하면 이 페이퍼 참조해도 될듯.
- PMI is a common mathematical surrogate to approximate word-level semantic similarity.
- word embeddings can be biased to word frequency