ANNEXI-STRAYLINE AURA Public (ASAP) Repository - INET subsystem for TCP/IP/UDP and TLS

Primary LanguageAdaBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


ANNEXI-STRAYLINE AURA Public (ASAP) Repository - INET subsystem for TCP/IP/UDP and TLS

This subsystem is a member of the larger ASAP Repository

This subsystem provides general IP communication facilities, including TLS support.

Currently this subsystem supports the following:

  • IPv4 and IPv6
  • Host lookup
  • TCP
  • TLS (TCP)

TLS support is implemented through a binding to LibreSSL's libtls. The TLS implementation is a tagged type extension of the TCP protocol facilities, giving a highly abstracted TLS stream interface that requires minimum effort to configure and use.