
Keep people safe from overly polluted environments by using input from the users to find solutions reduce pollution

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Keep people safe from overly polluted environments by using input from the users to find solutions reduce pollution Inspiration We built this app in order to help solve environmental issues. This app provides data to our users so they can make decisions based on our "people friendly" score which determines the quality of an environment using our calculator. We also wanted the community to help participate in solving pollution to protect their environments, so we wanted to make sure our app had a feature for user input that would allow others to view their ideas.

What it does This is a prototype of the Green Caulculator app which imports data from trusted international websites and uses those data to calculate a total score showing how safe a city is. Air quality levels, noise levels, quality of waste disposal management are factors which change with time and we will fully integrate FirebaseDB to sync the data into the app server in our future versions.

How we built it We began planning the functions Green Calculator can perform while discussing tools needed to achieve our goals. First, we created a rough draft, planned the app's layout, added screens and linked them using buttons. We did some strong research on factors leading to environment pollution and developed an algorithm which was used into the calculator. We tried working with APIs first to pull data from websites like the Air Quality Open Data Platform and tried exporting it to FirebaseDB and connecting that to our app using an in-built connector. What's next for Green Calculator App The Green Calculator will work on expanding city locations using GPS and sensors to improve user experience. and expanding environmental factors used for calculations. We hope to display even more accurate figures in the future. Jazhara and I plan on fixing the database, add features like a camera which can click pictures of poor waste management, adding a location map so that users can pinpoint the area of concern and the calculator will automatically add these to its ddatabase and adjust the city score accordingly.

Instructions on Using The App This app was completely made on MIT App Inventor. In order to try it out, download the .apk file on your phone. The apk file can be accessed by clicking the google drive link in the "Try It Out" section. This app works best on android phones. Built with mit-app-inventor, firebase