
A CMS engine for Rails with features targeted at online magazine publishing

Primary LanguageRuby

== Braincube

Braincube is a Rails engine that provides the basic components for a comprehensive content management system. It's mostly targeted at magazine and newspaper websites, and provides article management and workflow, asset uploads, an event and location database, and an XML API for exporting data.

The project will be evolving over time as I get around to extending the feature set.

== Getting Started

1. Create a new Rails application
       <tt>rails new myapp</tt> (where <tt>myapp</tt> is the application name)

2. Add Braincube to the Gemfile
       <tt>gem "braincube"</tt>

3. Setup your database.yml as required

4. Run the braincube setup generator to update your application
	<tt>rails g braincube:setup</tt>

5. Get to work!

== More details

Braincube will run as either an application or an Engine.

== Features

Braincube provides the following models:

		This is a standard workflow-managed article item, representing an individual feature, review etc.
		A structural page used to hold lists of articles, static content or other items.