
OpenCV-Python 相机标定及矫正,张正友相机标定法

Primary LanguagePython



camera_calibration_tool is used to easily calibrate and rectify camera using opencv-python.

With only one line of command, you can get parameters of your camera or rectify your video.

It is similar with calibration package of ROS.



This code works well in the following environment:

Ubuntu: 16.04

Python: 3.5.2

OpenCV: 3.2.0

Package requirement:

  • glob
  • numpy
  • xml


This code can be used to calculate matrix and distortion coefficients of your camera, and rectify video/camera with these parameters.


  1. Prepare more than 10 images of chessboard photoed by your camera in different position and direction.
  2. Be sure they are in the format of 'JPG' or 'jpg' or 'png'. (They are better to be in the same format, because I do not know if it will work or not.)
  3. Put them in a folder named chess which should be in the same directory as calibration.py.
  4. Run Terminal in current directory:
python3 calibration.py --image_size 1920x1080 --mode calibrate --corner 8x6 --square 20

Replace the value according to your camera and chessboard.

Your camera parameters will saved in a xml file named camera_params.xml.

Rectify video

If you have already calibrated your camera and saved params in camera_params.xml, then run:

python3 calibration.py --image_size 1920x1080 --mode rectify --video_path test.mp4

Replace the value according to your video. Only mp4 and avi are tested. Not sure about other format.

NOTE: image_size should be the same with chessboard images you used to calibrate.

Rectify camera

To rectify camera, run:

python3 calibration.py --image_size 1920x1080 --mode rectify --camera_id 0

Replace the value according to your camera.

NOTE: image_size should be the same with chessboard images you used to calibrate.

It will show the origin and rectified images of your camera.

Command line parameters

All the parameters and their actions are listed here:

python3 calibration.py [option] [value]
option type help example
--image_size str width and height of image 1920x1080
--mode str to calibrate or rectify choose from calibrate/rectify
--square int length of chessboard square(Necessary when calibrating) 20
--corner str width*height of chessboard corner(Necessary when calibrating) 8x6
--video_path str path of video need to rectify ./test.mp4
--camera_id int usb camera id 0