Happy Health

Client Feedback (WalkTracker Team/Module 1 Group 3)

  1. We have proposed market tab in the app so that users who gain points through step count can redeem their points in the market tab to but university products like t-shirts.But the feedback we received from the client was,to retain the points but asked to change the market tab insted give some badges to users based on reward points.
  2. Client asked us to not use the work Hydration level,instead use Water Intake of user.
  3. Client was happy with the overall look and color of the app.
  4. Client was happy with the addition of heart rate and questioned how would you track that. We intially planned calculating heart rate based on step count approximately.
  5. Client Question-How are you going to keep track of calories?
  • ANS: Based on Fruit intake,vegetables intake we are going to calculate the calories.Step count will be calculated by the app automatically.
  1. Client was happy that the colors are consistent.

Client Feedback (Healthify Team/ Module 1 Group 1)

  1. We have changed app title from Healthify-NWMSU to Healthify
  2. We then changed colour combination landing and remaining pages of the application.
  3. We have removed a column of Wellness center of NWMSU.
  4. Updated text field from Liters to ounces, KM to miles and also Hydration to water.

Client Feedback (HAWA Team/ Module 1 Group 4)

  1. HAWA: Health and wellness application
  2. Change the color
  3. Looks simple with the font
  4. Can page font look different? Block style seems simple
  5. Create password: If they forget, can it be retrieved or set up a new one? How does that mess with administrators data?
  6. Great idea with the charts. I think you are onto something, but the charting system is hard to see. Lines instead of columns too. Don’t need 3d look.
    Hoe screen: Looks good. I like the idea of joining a challenge I (admin) creates and also allowing them to create their own challenge or goal. Calories = how are you going to measure this? Self monitoring? Sleep: Should it be Hours of Sleep vs Amount?
  7. Calorie page: Are calories self monitoring? Can all of these data be in the admin? If so, take out “or”. You can take out commands to save data/space. Instead of “update step count”, just put “step count” as an example. You should have fruits and veggies on the front too if this is an option behind the scenes.
  8. Hydration vs water level?
  9. Is calorie self logging?
  10. Charts for calories….need to have something you can see the numbers easier.
  11. Take out : Are you being lazy? This can be discouraging to someone that has a sedentary job.
  12. Admin: So you can have more than one administrator?
  13. The most important thing regarding challenges is that the admin can create them. A secondary perk is if participants can create them. How will the admin notify users to participate/start a challenge?