#CS50 AP Code Examples

Note: Executable files (files without a .c extensions) are included because these code examples line up with the CS50 AP curriculum, which is meant to be taught using the CS50 IDE. Folders (or the entire repository) can be downloaded via the green Clone or download button on the top right, uploaded to the CS50 IDE (File -> Upload Local Files), and then unzipped on the command line (unzip <folder>.zip). Programs can then be run without remakeing.

Table of Contents

Unit 1

Unit 1 has been reordered, these code examples need to be re-evaluated to make sure the prior knowledge they rely on is still valid.
  1. Psuedocode
  2. Scratch
  3. Syntax
  4. Variables
  5. Data Types
  6. Operators
  7. Boolean Expressions/Conditionals
  8. Loops

Unit 2

  1. Compiling, source code, and object code
  2. Functions and returning
  3. Arrays and strings
  4. Command-line-interaction
  5. Exit Codes
  6. Libraries
  7. Typecasting
  8. Bugs and Debugging
  9. Frameworks