
Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A web application to allow friends to make predictions about each other

One places bets in the format of "I bet that this event [does/does not] happen. I would risk [XX] credits to gain 100 credits if this event [does/does not happen]."

  • Django webapp
  • Facebook authentication

Model Structure

  • Proposal
    • proposal_id
    • side (happens/does not happen)
    • amount
    • time
  • Bid (Succesful proposal)
    • bid_id
    • bet_id
    • positive_proposal_id
    • negative_proposal_id
    • actual_odds
    • time
  • Bet
    • bet_id
    • Topic
    • Subject (the person the bet is about)
    • Date
    • Verifier


  • In order to place or view bets, you must opt-in to having bets made about you
  • Can only view bets of your friends