Virtual Environment - Python

Actually, this runs in 3.4. Annie just needs to update.

virtualenv -p python2.7 rpi
source rpi/bin/activate

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools
pip install -r requirements.txt 

# pip freeze >> requirements.txt

Twilio Code

Follow these docs tries to listen for texts

What's Going On

  • Server listening in for texts (
    • Write to list of incoming texts
    • If text is NEXT_CODE, gets written to playlist.txt directly (skips next part)
  • In a loop on a separate script (
    • Read in texts
    • Search on youtube for URL
    • Download m4a
    • youtube-dl -f 140
    • Add list to playlist.txt
  • Every two seconds, a python script ( reads in playlist.txt and adds the next song to the queue
    • TODO: Every ten songs, delete the files of those songs


  • Figure out order in which scripts should be run and who erases what files.
  • Stop hard-coding file path
  • Celery async