
Core database and replication for cabal.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Core database, replication, and chat APIs for cabal.


npm install cabal-core


var Cabal = require('cabal-node')

var cabal = Cabal([storage][, key][, opts])

Create a cabal p2p database using storage storage, which must be either a string (filepath to directory on disk) or an instance of random-access-storage.

If this is a new database, key can be omitted and will be generated.


Returns the local user's key (as a string).

var ds = cabal.replicate()

Creates a new, live replication stream. This duplex stream can be piped into any transport expressed as a node stream (tcp, websockets, udp, utp, etc).


cabal.channels.get(function (error, channels) {})

Retrieve a list of all channel names that exist in this cabal.

cabal.channels.events.on('add', function (channel) {})

Emitted when a new channel is added to the cabal.


var rs = cabal.messages.read(channel, opts)

Returns a readable stream of messages (most recent first) from a channel.

Pass opts.limit to set a maximum number of messages to read.

cabal.messages.events.on('message', fn)

Calls fn with every new message that arrives, regardless of channel.

cabal.messages.events.on(channel, fn)

Calls fn with every new message that arrives in channel.


cabal.on('peer-added', function (key) {})

Emitted when you connect to a peer. key is a hex string of their public key.

cabal.on('peer-dropped', function (key) {})

Emitted when you lose a connection to a peer. key is a hex string of their public key.


cabal.publish(message, opts, cb)

Publish message to your feed. message must have a type field set. If not, it defaults to chat/text. In general, a message is formatted as

  type: 'chat/text',
  content: {
    text: 'hello world',
    channel: 'cabal-dev'

A timestamp field is set automatically with the current system time.

type is an unrestricted field: you can make up new message types and clients will happily ignore them until someone implements support for them. Well documented types include


  type: 'chat/text',
  content: {
    text: 'whatever the user wants to say',
    channel: 'some channel name. if it didnt exist before, it does now!'
