
Source code for tutorial

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Javac Plugin Demo


Calculates number of characters of the compiled source code.


Calculates methods count per source file and outputs overall methods count.


Allows to access the Map with string literal key as the array:

Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map["key"] = "ten"; // map.put("key", "ten")
System.out.println(map["key"]); // map.get("key")


Overloads + - * / operators to map to add subtract multiply divide methods.

BigInteger x1 = BigInteger.TEN;
BigInteger x2 = BigInteger.valueOf(120);
BigInteger x3 = x1 + x2;
// BigInteger x3 = x1.add(x2);
BigInteger x4 = BigInteger.valueOf(2) * x3;
// BigInteger x4 = BigInteger.valueOf(2).multiply(x3);
BigInteger x5 = x4 - x2 / x1 + x3;
// BigInteger x5 = x4.subtract(x2.divide(x1)).add(x3);


Allows to use extension methods. The extension method should be declared as public static in the same class.

public static IntStream filterNot(IntStream stream, IntPredicate predicate) {
    return stream.filter(predicate.negate());

public static <T, R extends Comparable<? super R>> Stream<T> sortBy(Stream<T> stream, Function<? super T, ? extends R> f) {
    return stream.sorted((o1, o2) -> f.apply(o1).compareTo(f.apply(o2)));
