This plugin Rocks! Hue, hue, hue!
No, but seriously, it does!
Install as you would any JetBrains-plugin.
IntelliJ IDEA, PhpStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, AppCode, CLion, Gogland and Rider.
1. Open roc.config.js.
2. Don't bother creating a newline, empty space or anything of the sort.
3. Move cursor to applicable node, or not. Cursor-position will filter available completions.
4. The cursor must however be somewhere within the settings-property.
5. Initiate completions (usually <ctrl-space>) or just start typing.
6. Search completions by typing relevant letters.
7. Press <enter> when ready.
8. Be amazed of how great this experience was.
9. Profit!
1. Did you perhaps select an enumeration?
2. Expecto enumeration-completions!
2. You can also request autocomplete manually (<ctrl-space>).
3. Don't worry if the list seems a bit short. Default-values has been removed.
1. Request quick-documentation (usually <ctrl-j>)
2. Know what the setting does.
3. Live a year longer as a result of lowered stress-levels.
1. The toolbar now has a cute little Roc-icon.
2. Click it to start dev-mode.
3. Think to yourself: "meh...".
4. Submit your much better idea to me.
1. Despair when adding a new fancy plugin.
2. Despair if roc.config.js had syntax-errors on project-load.
3. Click the "refresh completions" icon.
4. Despair no more.
If you for some reason miss your regular completions, feel free to initiate completions a second time
while the dialogue is still visible.
If you attempt to start Roc via the toolbar and the terminal-tab just flickers, doublecheck that you actually
have Roc installed globally. Dumbass!
How did I know that? Uh... nevermind that...
Try running the command: "node .idea/getSettings.js roc-config" from your project root-directory.
Output should be valid json.
Did autocomplete mess up your config? Make sure there is no syntax-errors before you attempt autocomplete. If there are, the completion will hit all the branches of your ugly config-tree, and come out wrong.
- Debugging: automatically add debugging for all environments.
- This should replace the run button.
Add tests!
Fix "missing dependency" inspection.
html.head.htmlAttributes refuses to be formatted properly.
- Bring in the Nashorn.
- Testing of default-value seems pretty broken too.
- Should I perhaps make use of parallel-processing to prepare a formatted-version of the default-value?
- Maybe Nashorn can help here?
Generate searchable documentation and show to the user.
- for "roc docs"
- and for available settings.
- Registered dependency already exported by Roc.
- Wrong type for setting.
Add babel (object) and webpack (function or object) completions.
- Json-schemas as are available as part of the JavaScriptLanguage.jar
Notifications about new roc-versions with changelog.
Toggle auto-refresh of browser-tab after dev-build.
- Should be doable.
- Is there a Chrome-cli utility available in Java?
- How do I make a checkbox within the toolbar?
- Just make an action and toggle the icon.
- Persist between restarts?
- Maybe add as a setting?
Gather Roc-statistics. (config-settings, commands etc...)
- Should be optional.
Expose actions/hooks in a good way.
Add auto-completion for available babel/webpack settings.
- Standalone plugin?
- Take a look at the internal-configuration validation present in WebPack.
completions and goto for:
- getSettings()
- Routes defined in configured middleware?
- Redux-state/props/actions.
- Is it even possible to resolve composite redux-state?
- Yup... WebPack is on it's own node...
- So... Where's that parsable documentation?