Web resume (CV) on GitHub pages (Example)

Fork this repo for create your own web CV

Launch your resume site without own server! Optional set a domain name.

This is multi-language resume. For only one language use old version or set show_branding=false in _config.yml


Fork and setup

  • Fork this repo as <you_github_nickname>.github.io
  • Change left side with your information in _config.yml for both languages.
    • show_branding flag for show or disable branding-header.
  • Change index.md with you information for both languages.

    Be careful and don't delete languages separators like <section id="second_content">

  • Change photo /assets/images/photo.png (recomended size: 640px x 640px)
  • Change pdf's links to your repository.
  • Wait a minute for GitHub-actions auto build and enjoy your site on <you_github_nickname>.github.io 😋!
  • This repo hasn't got a pdf converter, manually update the pdf's files in /assets/pdf. Easiest way: right-click on site and print page.

Set a own sub-domain name.

  • Setup your domain (may skip this step and site be on <you_github_nickname>.github.io)
    • Create CNAME subdomain record on your DNS provider:
      • cv -> <you_nickname>.github.io
    • Open fork repository settings
    • Go to Pages/Custom domain enter you cv.<example.com> (And enforce HTTPS)
    • Change CNAME-file in fork with your subdomain: cv.<example.com>


This site uses theme minimal-resume which is in the _config.yml as remote_theme. Don't remove theme line from config.yml.