Rename the
file as.env
in both directories. -
Open both
and add your test mode API keys. -
In client env: input server url - ex: http://localhost:3000
In server env: input the same port number - ex: 3000
- open 2 seperate terminals
# Navigate into the server directory
cd server
# Install the dependencies
npm install
# Compile the TypeScript to JavaScript code
npm run build
# Run the backend server
npm run dev
# Navigate into the client directory
cd client
# Install the dependencies
npm install
# Run the frontend server
npm run dev
# To run build:
npm run build
# Navigate into the server directory
cd server
# Run tests
npm run test
- Typescript
- Backend - Node.js, Express.js
- Frontend - React w/ Vite
- Styling/ UI - Tailwind CSS, Shadcn/ui
- Testing - Jest, Supertest
- Created a full stack Typescript application using Flexpa Link and Flexpa API
- Created components to display user profile and some information from patient EOB
- Full testing suite for front and back end
- Enhanced styling to be more in line with Flexpa's branding
- Parce through more pages/information from patient records