
SumIt an intelligent text summarizer that creates a coherent and short summary of all information that were discussed in seminars/workshops/meetings etc.

Primary LanguagePython



As we are humans we don't have photographic memory😕 that's why foget things a lot specially when we have a many thing to remember we tend forget most of the things.

So here is SumIt an intelligent text summarizer that creates a coherent and short summary of all information that were discussed in seminars/workshops/meetings etc.

How to use SumIt

It is a text summarizer that summarise content.

It is vey simple to use.....

  • Firstly just type the text inside the text area provided.
  • Then finally click the button marked as "Generate".

And you are done. Pretty easy!!🤩🤩



Tech used

  • Python (NTLK Library)
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • BootStrap


  • First of all, Fork and Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Shivamishra21/SumIt.git

Note : Shivamishra21 will be replaced by your username on github

  • Navigate through the project inside your computer
cd SumIt
  • Install all the requirements
pip install flask
pip install nltk
  • Run:
python -m flask run
  • Copy the localhost url from terminal and paste in your browser.