
Peer Assessment coursework for Coursera class in Getting and Cleaning Data

Primary LanguageR

Assignment for Coursera class Getting and Cleaning Data

The project is based on accelerometer data in the Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Data Set from UCI Smartphone Datasets


  • Merges training and test datasets into one dataset,
  • Extracts the mean and standard deviation for each measurement,
  • Labels the data set with activity names,
  • Creates a new data set with the average of each variable for each activity and each subject.

The R script run_analysis.R expects the data to be in the directory ./UCI HAR Dataset by default.

In the R console in RStudio

> source('./run_analysis.R')
> run_analysis()

will save the output in the files ./means.txt and ./average.txt (in the working directory)


The Code Book describes the data and processing.