
VueJS 2 Plugin for managing the facebook pixel, i.e. Facebook analytics integration. Mimmics the vue-gtag API by quite alot, but uses typescript!

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Vue plugin to embed the Facebook Pixel into your webpage and control it like a Vue plugin. In particular helpful with Nuxt and noscript Nuxt context.


Install the package into your Nuxt project:

yarn add @anny.co/vue-fbq

Then, add a plugin to ./plugins like this

// vue-fbq.ts

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueLIC from '@anny.co/vue-fbq'
import type { Options } from '@anny.co/vue-fbq'
import { Plugin } from '@nuxt/types'

 * vue-fbq plugin
const vueGtag: Plugin = ({ app, $config }) => {
  // check env for FB_ENABLED
  if (!$config.fbEnabled) {
  if (process.client) {
        config: {
          id: $config.fbId,
        bootstrap: false, // no automatic bootstrapping
        enabled: true,
        appName: $config.appName,
      } as Options,

export default vueFBQ

Then, add the plugin to your nuxt.config.{js,ts}:

plugins: [

Lastly, make sure to fit your cookie guidelines and privacy policy to allow the usage of LinkedIn campaigns on your website and remember ask your users if they want to be tracked, don't do tracking by default!

In your application, check if the user accepted tracking cookies and then bootstrap the plugin

import { bootstrap as loadFbq } from '@anny.co/vue-fbq';


if (acceptedCookies) {
  loadFbq().then(() => {
  }.catch((err) => {