
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


xCode: 9.2 Swift: 4.0


pod 'RxFirestoreExecutor'


RxFirestoreExecutor is a MOYA style library that allows you to use Firebase/Firestore Query via Rx same as usual network request. The usage is similar to MOYA, so you can access your firestore database same way as a network request via moya.


Create enum confirms protocol QueryTargetProtocol This will play role of your requests

enum QueryService {

case updateData(id: String)

extension QueryService: QueryTargetProtocol {
  //Only  collection is not optional.
  var collection: CollectionRef {
    switch self {
    case .updateData:
      return "myCollection"
  var singleDocument: SingleDocument {
    switch self {
      case .updateData(let id):
        return id
  // everything else should return nil if not used.

Create Extension for your enum to implement query data type for a specific request.

import RxFirestoreExecutor into a class.
import RxSwift

create property of class QueryExecutor<Target>()

Where Target: QueryTargetProtocol

User request for a single load and observe to create Firebase Listener for data observing and dynamic changing. As an argument to your request/observe you will use a value from a target enum type

E.G. executor.request(.loadUser(userID))

executor.request(.updateData(id: uid))
            .mapTo(object: YourObject.self)
            .subscribe(onSuccess: { model in
              //Handle result
        })  { error in
                //Handle error
            }.disposed(by: bag)

Handle request/observe with RxSwift .subscribe/.observe

That's all! You do not need to unsubscribe from Firebase Listener on executor's observe - on object death it will be removed automatically.


Pavel Mosunov, pavel.mosunov@anoda.mobi


RxFirestoreExecutor is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.