
Add thunks and redux-toolkit integration into redux-observable

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Add thunks and redux-toolkit support to redux-observable. The thunks are rethought from a type-safe redux-observable perspective, but we support async-thunks from toolkit as well.

To install execute npm install redux-observable-thunk or yarn add redux-observable-thunk.

From version 2.0.0 we only support rxjs 7.x and redux-observable 2.x, see changelog for more details.


We provide the methods createThunkActions and thunk for creation of redux-observable thunks. For your convenience we also provide the ReturnThunkType type for combining the three actions in one.

The ReturnThunkType also supports async-thunks from toolkit.

We provide the methods for filterActions and multiMatch methods for matching actions from observable thunks, async-thunks, and general toolkit actions.

Create thunk actions

Create all the actions, the createEnvironmentActions is used next for ReturnThunkType. Exported are the actions named createEnvironment, createEnvironmentFulfilled, createEnvironmentFailure.

import { createThunkActions, withPayload } from "redux-observable-thunk";

// note, the variables createEnvironments* are created here
export const {actions: createEnvironmentActions, actions: {
  request: createEnvironment, 
  fulfilled: createEnvironmentFulfilled, 
  rejected: createEnvironmentRejected
}} = createThunkActions("environments/createEnvironment", {
    request: withPayload<EnvironmentDef>(),
    fulfilled: withPayload<{ id: number }>(),
    rejected: withPayload<{ error: string }>()

Return thunk type

Instead of adding ReturnType for each action, you only have to add one ReturnThunkType:

import { ReturnThunkType } from "redux-observable-thunk";

export type EnvironmentActions = 
   ReturnThunkType<typeof createEnvironmentActions>
   // | ReturnType<typeof otherAction>
   // | ...

Thunk epic

The thunk matches the action, acquires the latest state (not used in this example), provides dependencies, and performs a mergeMap on the function you provide.

import { thunk } from "redux-observable-thunk";
import { RootEpicType } from "./root"; // you need to have your own root epic type:
// type RootEpicType = Epic<Actions, Actions, State, Dependencies>;
// request would come from your EpicDependencies and returns an Observable otherwise you need to add from() from rxjs to wrap a promise

export const createEnvironmentThunk: RootEpicType = thunk(createEnvironment,
  (action, _state, {request}) => {
    return request<{id: number}>(`/api/environments`, {
      method: "post",
      body: action.payload
      map(response => createEnvironmentFulfilled(response)),
      catchError((error: string) => of(createEnvironmentFailure({ error })))

export default [createEnvironmentThunk, /* ... */];

Now we also support thunk([createEnvironment, updateEnvironment], ...)

Filter actions

The methods filterActions and multiMatch will filter actions in your epics, where filterActions(...m)=filter(multiMatch(...m)).

Note that having payload to be the undefined type you need to configure typescript strict: true in your tsconfig.json.

const m1 = createAction<number>("p1");
const m2 = createAction<{dog?:string, cat: string}|undefined>("p2");
const m3 = createAction("p3");

const epic: RootEpicType = (action$, state$) => action$.pipe(
  filterActions(m1, m2, m3),
  mergeMap(({payload}) => {
    // payload is of type number|{dog?:string, cat: string}|undefined
    // your redux observable code
    return of(...)

Redux-toolkit async-thunk support

Assume we have the following thunk:

  const fetchUserById = createAsyncThunk<string, string>(  'users/fetchByIdStatus', async (userId, thunkAPI) => {    
      // example promise
      const response = await fetch(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/${userId}`);
      return await response.text();

Now for action types we can use the ReturnThunkType:

export type UserActions = ReturnThunkType<typeof fetchUserById> | ...;

And for filtering we can use filterActions:

const epic: RootEpicType = (action$, state$) => action$.pipe(
  filterActions(fetchUserById.resolved/*, ... other methods if you want*/),
  mergeMap(({payload}) => {
    // payload is of type string
    return of(...)

Integrating redux-observable with redux-toolkit

After creating your epicMiddleware you create configure the store as following:

import { configureStore, getDefaultMiddleware } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

// const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddleware({ dependencies: { /* ... */ }});

const store = configureStore({
  middleware: getDefaultMiddleware().concat(
    // .. others

Configure root epic type (thanks to source):

// your imports

// see our example above with EnvironmentActions

export type RootAction =
  | AccountActions
  | EnvironmentsActions
  /* | ...*/;

export const rootReducers =

export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof rootReducer>;

export const rootEpic = combineEpics(

export type RootEpicType = Epic<RootAction, RootAction, RootState, EpicDependencies>;
