
room climate surveillance kit

Primary LanguageC++

probr 🏠🌡💦📊

Playing with IoT sensors to learn about the climate in individual rooms and impact of weather


The system consists of the following components:

  • Components
    • Microcontroller: placed in each room, collects local measurement and sends it to database
    • Raspberry Pi: hosting database and dashboard services
  • Services
    • InfluxDB: timeseries database to keep data from sensors and weather report
    • Telegraf: Ingest plugin for InfluxDB to collect weather data and MQTT messages
    • Mosquitto: mqtt broker between microcontroller(sender) and telegraf(consumer)
    • Grafana: Dashboard for visualizing data
    • traefik: Get SSL certificates for grafana domain and route traffic for individual subdomains to correct docker services

architecture of used stack


  • wifi_probe: code for microcontrollers
  • services: configs for individual services
    • influxdb/init/: scripts to initialize influxdb databases & users


My setup has overgone several system changes, in chronological order:

  • started with handwritten Arduino code (using InfluxDB lib) and InfluxCloud to measure temperature, humidity, TVOC
  • migrated to locally hosted InfluxDB
  • switched handwritten Arduino code to Tasmota firmware
  • switched Tasmota firmware to ESPhome
  • added Home Assistant Dashboard & Integrations
  • added devices with IR remote control capability for Airconditioning


Database, Dashboard & Co

For setup of all used services see the docker-compose configuration at anoff/docker-compose-influxdb-grafana. Required configuration is stored in the services folder.

Debugging MQTT

MQTT is running via mosquitto, to see what's running over the broker:

docker run --rm -it eclipse-mosquitto sh
mosquitto_sub -h -u USER -P PASSWORD -v -t 'probrv2/#'

mosquitto_sub -h -u writer -P exert.ominous.THIEVE.snapback -v -t 'probrv2/#'