
Get tests results as a TestResult object instead tied to output

Primary LanguageRuby


With ruby or macruby testunit or minitest, results are damnly tied to output and you can’t get result of a test as an object after its execution and global tests result as an object too.

This gem permit to do so, and, have result of a unit test as an TestResult object on which you can call methods #success? #failures #errors #skips #current … You can be yielded this TestResult object after each test and the global TestResult after all tests.

Note : For now it just work with macruby interpreter and minitest or testunit tests. It is really easy to evolve it for ruby interpreter. It will be done soon.

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gem install minitest_owrapper


Suppose :

  • @test_file is the absolute path to your test file.

  • load_path is the load path needed for your path (-I option)

Just do :

result = MinitestOwrapper.run(@test_file, load_path) do |test_result|
  #test_result.current => Object of type Error, Failure, Skip, Success
  #test_result.current.message => Error message , backtrace
  #test_result.current.klass => Test Class
  #test_result.current.method => Test method
  #test_result.current.line => Line number of

And, you will get a test_result after each test, ie an object of class Failure, Error, Skip or Success.

These objects respond to methods :klass, :method, :line, :message .

The final result will respond to 
 :errors => array of errors
 :failures => array of failures
 :skips => array of skips
 :successes => array of success
 :tests => number of tests
 :duration => duration of the tests
 :assertions => number of assertions

Example of usage in the test file test/test_minitest_owrapper.rb

it 'should run FakeTest and get TestResult object whith  2 failure, 1 error, 1 success, 1 skip ' do
  load_path =  File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../fixtures'))

  result = MinitestOwrapper.run(@test_file, load_path) do |test_result|
    puts test_result.current

  assert_equal 1, result.errors.count
  assert_equal 2, result.failures.count
  assert_equal 1, result.skips.count
  assert_equal 1, result.successes.count

  assert_equal 5, result.tests
  assert_in_delta result.duration, 1, 1
  assert_equal 4, result.assertions




Adapt to work with ruby interpreter.


MIT Licence