
golang port graphite project's carbon daemon

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


golang implementation of the carbon server. Koolstof is the Dutch word for carbon and coincidentally also has a nice sounding ring to it in English.


The storage format using leveldb as seen here served us well until we ran into the limitations of cpython as a runtime; most notably the poor support for concurrency and also the inherent limination in not being able to use all CPU cores from within the same *nix process. Hence, the solution was to retain the carbon protocol, the storage layer schema as seen in the python+leveldb plugin and just have the carbon daemon written in a systems programming language.


We rely on the following golang modules

  • github.com/jmhodges/levigo
  • github.com/gorilla/rpc
  • github.com/extemporalgenome/epochdate
  • github.com/vaughan0/go-ini

The preferred way to use leveldb is by using a statically linked version of levigo. The script for the static build can be found here


  • Does not support aggregatation of metrics over time intervals. This will not be fixed by design as loss of accurrary of data due to aggregations caused by timeseries systems is a bad thing.
  • Assumes that the resolution of all metrics is multiples of 60 seconds
  • Supports only plaintext format
  • Supports only TCP listener

Configuration example


; TCP listen port for carbon plaintext format data
port = 3540

; Per minute rate limit on number of metrics that can be recorded
max_write_rpm = 3000000 

; Per minute rate limit on number of metrics that can be create
max_create_rpm = 100000

; In memory buffer size of the number of metrics that can be enqueued when storage media is busy
; Exceeding this limit results in metrics being discarded
backlog = 10000000

; Use the leveldb based timeseries storage.
engine = leveltsd

; storage engine specific configuration
; Filesystem root where all metrics related data is stored
root = /home2/tmp/carbon

; RPC for the graphite finder to communicate. See https://github.com/InMobi/level-tsd-finder
reader-port = 8080

; Batch writer size for leveldb
write-batch-count = 20000

; data partition cache size in bytes
memory-cache = 134217728

; max number of channels that are enqueing microbatch writes
write-concurrency = 3

; idle time after which a micro-batch is flushed
write-batch-interval-seconds = 11

How to run it

You can either run from source or use the binary build

Run from source

go run inmobi.com/graphite/carbon -c path-to-config

Binary build

go install inmobi.com/graphite/carbon bin/carbon -c path-to-config

Meta-metrics compatibility

  • CPU & memory usage on the host running the daemon is not recorded
  • cache_queries and datapoints_per_write are discontinued as they do not make sense for this implementation
  • We have introduced a new value known as garbled_reception to capture malformed lines received by the daemon