
This repository is for my personel skill set which I learned in 2018. This will help me and motivate to learn new things and explore my skill.

  • Read article and watched video about Azure B2B, Azure B2C Service.
  • Read about Project Bletchly(BlockChain Project by Microsoft)
  • Created demo for authenticate Google Api using service account as well as OAuth 2.0 code is hosted at GoogleApiDemos
  • Created static website using Github pages and it is hosted at Customize Charts
  • Published article after long time.
  • Started reading about Vue js concepts and advantage over other frameworks
  • Learned Telerik RadGrid with lots of customization, Face lots of challages and also overcome that as well.
  • Exploring C# new features and Dotnet Core 2.0
  • Started learing Three.js for 3D Rendering or draw 3d model on web browser.
  • Learned Continues Deployment and Continues Integration at inter mdediate level.
  • Working on visualization project which compare or display different charts from different chart library.
  • Need to work on one of project which is created in asp.net mvc 4 and want to convert to dotnet core.
  • Powershell scripting/ AppCMD for creating website from command line with easy steps.
  • Explored different Application Monitor or Performance Monitoring tool (APM, Prefix, Glimpse, Elmah, Mini Profiler etc.)