VMProtect.v3.6.0.1416 PreCracked

The latest version of VMProtect Ultimate is Cracked / Leaked.


[Download files at GitHub]| (VMProtect.Ultimate.v3.6.0.1406-PreCracked-x64-windows.zip, VMProtect.Ultimate.v3.6.0.1406-PreCracked-x64-windows.z01, VMProtect.Ultimate.v3.6.0.1406-PreCracked-x64-windows.z02, VMProtect.Ultimate.v3.6.0.1406-PreCracked-x64-windows.z03, VMProtect.Ultimate.v3.6.0.1406-PreCracked-x64-windows.z04)


![VMP] (See image file in repository.)


VMProtect 3.6 March 24th, 2022

[*] .NET: Improved renaming of virtual methods

[*] .NET: Fixed a bug that occurred inside finally blocks of virtualized methods

[*] Mach-O: Improved support of macOS 12 Monterey

[*] PE: Improved antidebug

[+] .NET: Added support of volatile and calli

[+] PE: Added support of Windows for ARM (for Intel binaries only)

[+] PE: Improved support of WINE

[+] PE: Added support of MAP files for Free Pascal and MinGW

[+] Added the ability to create segments with random symbols using mask ‘?’
