
simple Twitch bot development

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This is an independent project not run by Twitch!

Feel free to join the HTwitch Discord if you have any questions or suggestions

HTwitch made easy

import org.dinhware.bot.HTwitchBot;
import org.dinhware.commands.Command;
import org.dinhware.bot.adapter.core.MessageAdapter;
import org.dinhware.bot.event.BitEvent;
import org.dinhware.bot.event.MessageEvent;
import org.dinhware.bot.objects.Capability;
import org.dinhware.bot.objects.Channel;

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
         * Initialize a new HTwitchBot instance
         * @param String name of the bot
         * @param String oauth of the bot, with or without 'oauth:' in-front
        HTwitchBot bot = new HTwitchBot("bot-nickname", "bot-oauth");

         * Request all Capabilities
         * simplified to request all Capabilities bot.requestCapabilities(Capability.values());
         * @param Capability[] types of Capabilities to request
        bot.requestCapabilities(Capability.COMMANDS, Capability.MEMBERSHIP, Capability.TAGS);

         * Create a new MessageListener instance
         * @param String prefix for the command
        MessageAdapter listener = new MessageAdapter("!") {
            protected void onMessage(MessageEvent event) {
                 * Reply to any Event
                 * @param Object message
                event.respond("Hey there!");

            protected void onBitDonation(BitEvent event) {


         * Adding a Command to the MessageAdapter
         * @param String trigger
         * @param ChatCommand instance
        listener.addCommand("test", new ChatCommand() {
                    protected void execute(MessageEvent event) {
                        event.respond("test was used!");

                    public long getCooldown() {
                        return 5000;

         * Adding the Listener to our Bot
         * @param Listener instance

         * Join a channel
         * @param String channel-name
        Channel channel = bot.join("channel-name");

         * Send a message to a channel
         * @param Channel
         * @param String message
        bot.send(channel, "Hey there I just joined this channel!");


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