
Chezmoi managed dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

Chezmoi Repo for Dotfiles

Generic Bootstrap

  • Install Nix
  • Install Chezmoi
  • Install 1password CLI
  • chezmoi init "this repo"
  • Answer the questions
  • op signin ...
  • chezmoi apply -v -n
  • chezmoi apply

Bootstrap on new OS X

  • Install homebrew
  • brew install twpayne/taps/chezmoi
  • brew cask install 1password 1password-cli
  • (Configure and login to 1password)
  • chezmoi init "this repo"
  • Answer the questions
  • op signin ...
  • chezmoi apply -v -n
  • chezmoi apply


Installing Nix managed packages

nix-env -iA nixpkgs.myPackages

Finding 1password UUIDs

op list items --vault=DotFiles | jq '.[] | {"title": .overview.title, "uuid": .uuid}'

Remember that you have all the Sprig functions!