
Dockerized rtorrent + rutorrent ( web UI )

Docker for rtorrent + ruTorrent(web ui)


git clone https://github.com/anonim1133/torrentdock.git
cd torrentdock
git clone https://github.com/Novik/ruTorrent.git


Everything is set just barely to work. In nginx you can change your domain, or turn off autorization with HTTP AUTH - You should generate new htapasswd entry and put it in file (there are online generators that works just fine)

In rtorrent config do not touch the top part, as it's quite crucial to run it. - Downloaded files are kept in rtorrent/downloads

ruTorrent is available at :2138 port - it is possible to change it in dockercompose.

Now you should fix these lines in rutorrent config, as I was too lazy to make it automagically.

$scgi_port = 5000;
$scgi_host = "rtorrent";

$localhosts = array( 			// list of local interfaces

docker-compose build to build imagess, and docker-compose up -d to run it (in background, becouse of "-d").