
Natural language virtual assistant using Node.js + Bootstrap

Primary LanguageJavaScript

P-Brain.ai - Voice Controlled Personal Assistant

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/P-Brain/Lobby

Natural language virtual assistant using Node + Bootstrap


alt tag

Video Introduction To The Project



  • Node 6


Install Yarn https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install

Clone repo, cd into its directory and type yarn & yarn start

Add api info for http://openweathermap.org/api and https://newsapi.org/account to config/index.js

Open Chrome and enter http://localhost:4567/

Say Hey Brain, Brain or Okay Brain followed by your query (i.e Hey Brain, What is the weather in Paris).

Adding Skills

Add a skill by creating a new folder with the name of your new skill and adding an index.js.

Add functions for _intent and {skill_name}_resp to that index, the latter contining the logic that will respond to a query. The {skill_name}_resp function must have a response type of String

In _intent add return {keywords:['key 1','key 2'], module:'{skill_name}'} where keywords are the phrases you wish the skill to respond to and {skill_name} is the name of your new skill.

Add module.exports = {intent:_intent, get: {skill_name}_resp}; to the end of your index.js

Add that new folder to the skills directory in the project.

And bang, Brain will automatically import and enable your new skill!

End Points

http://localhost:4567/api/ask?q={query} http://localhost:4567/


You can run this application via Docker. Prequisites are that you have docker installed and cloned this repository locally. Then execute the following command to create an docker image called p-brain and a container called p-brain.

docker build -t p-brain .
docker run --name=p-brain -v `pwd`:/home/app -v /home/app/node_modules -p4567:4567  p-brain npm start

After doing this you can stop the container by running docker stop p-brain. Starting it again is done by running docker start p-brain.