
This Python script allows you to easily convert roughly written todo items into Google Calendar events

Primary LanguagePython

Todo to Calendar Converter

This Python script allows you to easily convert roughly written todo items into Google Calendar events. It leverages the power of Composio, an open-source command-line tool for developers, to automate the process of creating calendar events based on your todo descriptions.

Screenshot from 2024-05-20 18-29-03


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/anonthedev/composio-todo-to-calendar.git
  2. Go to the cloned repo:

    cd composio-todo-to-calendar
  3. Adding API keys

    Create a .env file and add the API keys there.

    Composio API key can be found here - https://app.composio.dev/settings


Setup Project

  1. Setup Virtual env

    python3 -m venv env
    source env/bin/activate
  2. Give execute permission to setup.sh file

    chmod +x ./setup.sh
  3. Run the setup.sh file

    Make sure you have python dev essentials installed in your device as chromadb needs it.



  1. Edit your todos:

    Open the main.py file and edit the todos list with your desired todo items in the format start_time - end_time -> description. For example:

    todos = '''
        9AM - 11AM -> Work on project X,
        1PM - 3PM -> Gaming,
        # Add more todos here
  2. Run the file:

    python main.py