NukeAMSI is a powerful tool designed to neutralize the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) in Windows environments.
- ChoiSG
- Tandrial
- iojymbo
- TaiusUnited Kingdom
- kaywozbetween a hard place and a nightmarish hellscape....
- chr0n1kNairobi, Kenya
- WildPasta
- Hann1bl3L3ct3r
- doctorPrinz
- ahnospell44Orlando, FL, United States
- fordprefectus
- limon768
- blackhat-tkremlin empire
- pspeteUK
- famasoonTokyo, Japn
- startagain2016
- theguly
- DebianDolor
- fasthands9000
- rysiacz
- pwn2ooownTaiwan
- threeskimo
- nonefx
- UuF4bY
- Mrhax0rr
- th3k3ymak3rThe Matrix
- a7t0fwa7
- swagkarna127.0.0.1
- 3ls3ifJaipur, India
- BenjiTrappLeverkusen
- Clutchisback1
- NoobCat2000
- hastalamuerte
- xzxxzzzz000別の世界
- Mag1cByt3sGermany
- adrian-gough