
Snap for CUDA sample deviceQuery code

Primary LanguageShell


This snap provides bundles all CUDA samples from the CUDA SDK into a snap for testing CUDA support in snapd and development of a cuda-support interface in snapd.

Currently there are a few samples that don't run successfully, either due to setup files I didn't get setup inside the snap, etc.

Notably all nvrtc CUDA samples fail, I haven't debugged why this is the case though.


To test through all samples, you can run:

cuda-samples test

which will report on any failures, etc.

You can also run individual tests or groups of tests, as identified by their directory in the SDK installation. For example to run through all of the simple samples you would do

cuda-samples 0_Simple

Or to do just the vectorAdd sample you would run

cuda-samples vectorAdd


All you need to build the snap is snapcraft. Just run snapcraft cleanbuild to do a clean build in a container. Note that the container will download/install the CUDA SDK in it's entirety so it takes quite a while to build.