
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


  • autobump.py
Local recipe bumping tool. Find bitbake metadata files (recipes) that use the
github.com etc and check the project repository for given revision. Generate
commits that update bitbake metadata files with SRCREV if given revision is
new Generate commit.

  • ab.py
Derived from autobump.py adds git shortlog list of repository commits to commit message

usage: ab.py [-h] [-d] [-v] [-r REMOTE] [-o ORG] project_name project_sha
REMOTE default = github.com
ORG default = ibm-openbmc

Using defaults
pldm recipe:  SRC_URI = "git://github.com/ibm-openbmc/pldm;nobranch=1"

ab.py pldm  <40 character sha value> 
equivalent command without using defaults.
ab.py -r github.com -o openbmc pldm  <40 character sha value>

phosphor-loggin recipe: SRC_URI += "git://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-logging"
ab.py -o openbmc phosphor-logging <40 character sha value>
ab.py -r github.com -o openbmc phosphor-logging <40 character sha value>

ab.py -r <ghe url> -o openbmc webui-vue  <40 character sha value>

Uses config.py for 
py_token = ""
py_ibm_token = ""

allowing access to repositories to generate git shortlog list

  • commitTracker.py

  • crn.py

Create Release Note (Derived from commitTracker.py)

positional arguments:
  earliest_commit       A reference to the earliest commit to get information
  latest_commit         A reference (branch name, HEAD, SHA, etc.) to the most
                        recent commit to get information for

  --wiki WIKI           If set to a file path, this script will write an wiki
                        markdown version of the console to the file path given

 git clone <ibm url>/release-notes.wiki.git

 crn.py fw1020.00-57.9 fw1020.00-57.10 --wiki 1020/fw1020.00-57.10.md

Uses config.py for 
py_token = ""
py_ibm_token = ""
  • fgh.py
Need to install 
Current version

fgh.py is  wrapper around gh
-d option for dry-run

fgh.py -B 1020 -d

gh pr create -R github.ibm.com/openbmc/openbmc -B 1020 -b '#### 1020: meta-ibm: Add hostfw image support (#214)
Add support for a hostfw image.

Change-Id: I1b4be263b0eb44c324db4f41ea563fdf2a8ad8b5
Signed-off-by: Adriana Kobylak <anoo@us.ibm.com>\`\`\`' -t '1020: meta-ibm: Add hostfw image support (#214)'