
A playground to resolve the issue in apollo federation regarding the pagnination of one-2-many and many-2-many relationship

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A npm workspace designed by Hubspire with typescript.

  • Repository

Technologies used

  • VS Code IDE
  • node, npm, npm workspace with NX
  • conventional commits with gitmoji
  • Husky Hooks
  • Apollo graphql server v4
  • Eslint and Prettier
  • Typescript
  • Jest
  • Codegen

This boilerplate was developed by [Anoop Benzier (Hubspire)][dill]


Boilerplate requires Node.js v16+ to run. Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the workspace applications.

git clone 
cd fed-pagination-playground
npm install
npm run serve

VS Code Extensions

The fed-pagination-playground boilerplate is using the below vscode extensions.

How to Commit?

Before committing your code please install the above mentioned conventional commits vscode extension. There is 2 ways you can commit your code. They are:

  • First method, Run git add . and then run npm run commit this command will help you to commit in conventional format.
  • Second method, Run git add . and then type ctrl+shift+p and search for conventional commit and select that option this plugin will help you to commit in conventional format.

How to create branch?

Each branch creation has a format. The branch name should be on {type}/{module}#{proofhub-id} format. For example if you are working on a bug fix then the type=fix, module=meaningful name for branch, proofhub-id=#<your proofhub id>. Then the branch name becomes fix/branchName#01010.

How to install packages?

This is one of the important thing you need to consider while working on npm workspace based stack. Suppose consider that if our stack have 2 applications named app-1 and app-2. Thus stack will have 3 package.json file one for app-1, one for app-2 and one at the root. When you install a package in root package.json it will available globally for all apps. But if you install a package in app-1 then it will be available only for that application. So before installing packages first understand its scope in your stack and then choose the appropriate method.