
an agile project management app inspired by basecamp and asana focused on user experience

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project Tracker

Build Status Dependency Status

Version History


1.2.0 - Github Integration -- coming soon

Connect your projects on ProjectTracker with any repo on your github!

1.1.0 - Slack Integration -- July 10, 2015

Site redesign, models more informative, integration with Slack

1.0.0 - Initial Public Deploy -- June 23, 2015

This release included the basic mvp, users, projects, tasks, comments, images, etc.

Minimum Viable Product

ProjectTracker is a clone of Basecamp built on Rails and Backbone. Users can:

  • Create accounts
  • Create sessions (log in)
  • Create projects
  • Edit project descriptions without forms
  • Tag other users to projects with search form
  • Assign members to tasks with drop and drop
  • Sort projects based on owner/tagged
  • Upload images in projects
  • Create tasks in projects
  • List all assigned tasks in a personal to-do list
  • Create comment threads in tasks

Design Docs

Implementation Timeline

Phase 1: User Authentication, Project creation (1 days)

I will implement user authentication in Rails based on the practices learned at App Academy. By the end of this phase, users will be able to create projects using a simple text form in a Rails view. The most important part of this phase will be pushing the app to Heroku and ensuring that everything works before moving on to phase 2.

Phase 2: Project CRUD (~2 days)

The primary feature of Basecamp Clone is to interact with projects. I will finish the server side CRUD operations for projects. Once my projecs table is setup, I will add API routes to serve project data as JSON, then add Backbone models and collections that fetch data from those routes.

Phase 3: Implementing Tasks (~2 days)

Once the users can create, search, tag and subscribe to projects, I want to add tasks to each project so users other than the project author can contribute to a project. By the end of this phase, all projects will have a Task feature which allows anyone involved in the project to create/update a new Task associated with the project.

Phase 4: Implementing Comments (~2 days)

For each task, I will add a section that allows users in the project to discuss and leave comments for one another.

Phase 5: Uploading Pictures (~1 days)

Once I have a usable project coordination app, I will try to allow users to upload pictures. At first, I will have it only be posted to whole projects, but eventually, have the feature be allowed in tasks and maybe even comments as well. I will have to use Amazon Ruby SDK to store images on S3.

Bonus Features (TBD)

  • Project search
  • User avatars
  • Typeahead search bar
  • Photo Carousel
  • Chat window