
Competitive Grammar Writing in Python

Primary LanguagePython

Competitive Grammar Writing in Python

Get started:

git clone https://github.com/anoopsarkar/cgw.git

This task involves writing or creating weighted context-free grammars in order to parse English sentences and utterances. The vocabulary is fixed.


A context-free grammar (CFG) is defined using the following building blocks:

  • $$N$$, a set of non-terminal symbols (these symbols do not appear in the input)
  • $$S$$, one non-terminal from $$N$$ called the start symbol. All derivations in a CFG start from $$S$$
  • $$V$$, a vocabulary of words called terminal symbols. $$N$$ and $$V$$ are disjoint
  • Rules of the form: $$A \rightarrow \alpha$$ where $$A \in N$$ and $$\alpha \in (N \cup V)^\ast$$.
  • Weights or frequencies or probabilities can be associated with each rule in a CFG.
  • A probabilistic CFG is defined as a group of conditional probabilities $$P(\alpha \mid A)$$: one for each non-terminal $$A$$

A context-free grammar that is in extended Chomsky Normal Form (eCNF) iff the right hand side of each CFG rule is either one non-terminal, or two non-terminals, or one terminal symbol.

This is a grammar in a formal sense. Just like we can write a grammar for the syntax of Python, for instance. In this exercise we will try to write a grammar for a fragment of English.

A derivation of this CFG starts with a string (called a sentential form) containing the start symbol $$S$$ and then replaces the non-terminals in that string recursively with the right hand side of a rule (if there are multiple right hand sides for the same non-terminal we pick one of them) until only terminal symbols are left in the string. This sequence of terminal symbols is a valid string in the (formal) language generated by the CFG.

The Data

Initial versions of the context-free grammar files are provided to you:

  • S1.gr: the default grammar file contains a context-free grammar in eCNF.
  • S2.gr: the default backoff grammar file.
  • Vocab.gr: the vocabulary file contains rules of the type A -> a where A is a non-terminal that represents the part of speech and a is a word (also called a terminal symbol).

Here is a fragment of S1.gr. Each line is a weighted context-free grammar rule. First column is the weight, second column is the left-hand side non-terminal of the CFG rule and the rest of the line is the right-hand side of the CFG rule:

1   S1   NP VP
1   S1   NP _VP
1   _VP  VP Punc
20  NP   Det Nbar
1   NP   Proper

The non-terminal VP is used to keep the grammar in eCNF. The probability of a particular rule is obtained by normalizing the weights for each left-hand side non-terminal in the grammar. For example, for rule NP -> Det Nbar the conditional probability P(Det Nbar | NP) is $$\frac{20}{20+1}$$.

The grammars in S1.gr and S2.gr are connected via the following rules in S1.gr:

99 TOP  S1
1  TOP  S2
1  S2   Misc

Other files

  • allowed_words.txt: This file contains all the words that are allowed. You should make sure that your grammar generates sentences using exactly the words in this file. It does not specify the part of speech for each word, so you can choose to model the ambiguity of words in terms of part of speech in the Vocab.gr file.
  • example-sentences.txt: This file contains example sentences that you can use as a starting point for your grammar development. Only the first two sentences of this file can be parsed using the default S1.gr grammar. The rest are parsed with the backoff S2.gr grammar.
  • unseen.tags: Used to deal with unknown words. You should not have to use this file during parsing, but the parser provided to you can optionally use this file in order to deal with unknown words in the input.

The Parser and Generator

You are given a parser that takes sentences as input and produces parse trees and also a generator which generates a random sample of sentences from the weighted grammar. Parsing and generating will be useful steps in your grammar development strategy. You can learn the various options for running the parser and generator using the following command.

The parser has several options to speed up parsing, such as beam size and pruning. Most likely you will not need to use those options (unless your grammars are huge).

python pcfg_parse_gen.py -h

Parsing input

The parser provided to you reads in the grammar files and a set of input sentences. It prints out the single most probable parse tree for each sentence (using the weights assigned to each rule in the input context-free grammar).

For example given the input sentence Arthur is the king the parser will return the most probable derivation of the sentence which uses the following rules (shown with their probabilities) from the grammar files:

99/100 TOP    -> S1
1/2    S1     -> NP _VP
1/21   NP     -> Proper
1/9    Proper -> Arthur
1      _VP    -> VP Punc
1      VP     -> VerbT NP
1/6    VerbT  -> is
20/21  NP     -> Det Nbar
1/9    Det    -> the
10/11  Nbar   -> Noun
1/21   Noun   -> king

There might be many other derivations for this input string but the derivation (which is just a list of CFG rules that fit together to derive the input string) shown above is the most probable one returned by the Python program provided to you using an algorithm called the CKY algorithm which returns the argmax derivation for any input string.

The probability of the derivation is simply the product of the probabilities of the rules used in that derivation. For this derivation the probability is:

$$ \frac{99}{100} \times \frac{1}{2} \times \frac{1}{21} \times \frac{1}{9} \times 1 \times 1 \times \frac{1}{6} \times \frac{20}{21} \times \frac{1}{9} \times \frac{10}{11} \times \frac{1}{21} $$

The derivation can be written down as a parse tree by simply linking the non-terminals together. The following tree is simply another (more graphical) way to represent the derivation shown above.

(TOP (S1 (NP (Proper Arthur) ) 
         (_VP (VP (VerbT is) 
                  (NP (Det the) 
                      (Nbar (Noun king) ))) 
              (Punc .))) )

The parser also reports the negative cross-entropy score for the whole set of sentences. Assume the parser gets a text of $$n$$ sentences to parse: $$s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_n$$ and we write $$|s_i|$$ to denote the length of each sentence $$s_i$$. The probability assigned to each sentence by the parser is $$P(s_1), P(s_2), \ldots, P(s_n)$$. The negative cross entropy is the average log probability score (bits per word) and is defined as follows:

$$\textrm{score}(s_1, \ldots, s_n) = \frac{ \log P(s_1) + \log P(s_2) + \ldots + \log P(s_n) }{ |s_1| + |s_2| + \ldots + |s_n| }$$

We keep the value as negative cross entropy so that higher scores are better.

python pcfg_parse_gen.py -i -g "*.gr" < example_sentences.txt
#loading grammar files: S1.gr, S2.gr, Vocab.gr
#reading grammar file: S1.gr
#reading grammar file: S2.gr
#reading grammar file: Vocab.gr

... skipping the parse trees ...

#-cross entropy (bits/word): -10.0502

Generating output

In order to aid your grammar development you can also generate sentences from the weighted grammar to test if your grammar is producing grammatical sentences with high probability. The following command samples 20 sentences from the S1.gr,Vocab.gr grammar files.

python pcfg_parse_gen.py -o 20 -g S1.gr,Vocab.gr
#loading grammar files: S1.gr, Vocab.gr
#reading grammar file: S1.gr
#reading grammar file: Vocab.gr
every pound covers this swallow
no quest covers a weight
Uther Pendragon rides any quest
the chalice carries no corner .
any castle rides no weight
Sir Lancelot carries the land .
a castle is each land
every quest has any fruit .
no king carries the weight
that corner has every coconut
the castle is the sovereign
the king has this sun
that swallow has a king
another story rides no story
this defeater carries that sovereign
each quest on no winter carries the sovereign .
another king has no coconut through another husk .
a king rides another winter
that castle carries no castle
every horse covers the husk .


The idea for this task and the original data files are taken from the following paper:

Jason Eisner and Noah A. Smith. Competitive Grammar Writing. In Proceedings of the ACL Workshop on Issues in Teaching Computational Linguistics, pages 97-105, Columbus, OH, June 2008.