
Sensel API for C/C++

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This API is being deprecated. Check out the new Sensel API.

Sensel C/C++ API

This API allows users to communicate with a Sensel device through C or C++. This API should be cross-platform, and work across Windows, Mac, and Linux. If you find any incompatibilities, please submit a bug report through Github.


Clone this Github project and move all of the sensel* files into your project to build against. Note: if you are on windows, you do not need sensel_serial_linux.c and if you are on Linux/Mac, you do not need sensel_serial_win.cpp.

Make sure to look at the sensel_example_read_contacts or sensel_example_read_frames project under the examples folder to see how to setup your project. On Linux/Mac, simply navigate to this project and type in "make" to build the executable. On Windows, you will want to open up the read_contacts_win.sln or read_frame_win.sln file in Visual Studio and build the project from there. Note: this project was created with Visual Studio 2013.


Here's a high-level view of how to use this API:

First, we need to import Sensel:

#include "sensel.h"

Next, we need to properly setup the sensor. We first call senselOpenConnection(), which returns true if we successfully connect to a Sensel device. If we connect to a sensor, we need to tell the sensor to send us contacts. We use the method senselSetFrameContentControl(), and pass in a frame content constant: SENSEL_FRAME_CONTACTS_FLAG SENSEL_FRAME_PRESSURE_FLAG and/or SENSEL_FRAME_LABELS_FLAG. To recieve multipe frame content, perform a bitwise or '|' of the frame content flags. After this, we tell the sensor to start scanning by calling senselStartScanning():

//Open Sensor
bool sensel_sensor_opened = senselOpenConnection(0);

  printf("Unable to open Sensel sensor!\n");
  return -1; //exit

//Enable contact sending

//Enable scanning

Next, you can read out frame content in your program's main event loop with senselReadFrame.

//Declare contacts array pointer and variable to hold number of valid contacts
contact_t *contacts;
int n_contacts = 0;
//Declare float array pointer for forces and uint8 array pointer for labels.
float *forces;
uint8 *labels;

  senselReadFrame(&contacts, &n_contacts, &forces, &labels); 
  if(n_contacts != 0) //Check for contacts

Before the applciation exits, make sure to cleanly close the connection to the sensor by calling senselStopScanning() and senselCloseConnection()

printf("Done looping, exiting...\n")



There is an example in this repository that you can use as a starting point for your project:


This project opens up a Sensel device, reads out contact data, and prints it to the screen.